

Brainwashing brings on fear first, then comes begrudging respect right?

If I could be in command and fully in charge of my little minefield, then it’s not too much of a cautious leap to the level of respect.

Would that work with parenting?

To me: Power, or at least the illusion of it is dangerous. Lie, cheat and steal. The pre-teenager asks about his favorite t-shirt (the torn, faded, sweat-stained one), and I reply wide-eyed and innocent, “I don’t know where it is ...” The word left unspoken is “…now.” I know which dumpster I threw it in, but where it is now? Honesty is the best policy. Be a good example. Love T.

It’s not so much that I need to be the boss, it’s more that I need to be a more commanding presence. I don’t want them to have to dress right and shoot left, but can I please just have credit for my talent of the twirl I can give the toilet?

Reality Bite: Twirling, always twirling

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